多彩な重火器とマルチプレイで巨大蟻を倒すローグライトアクション『Ants Took My Eyeball』を紹介。使用できる武器種類が多く、遊べば遊ぶほどキャラ性能も高くなる成長要素もポイント。最大4人で遊べる高難易度アクションを探している方は要チェックです。
Ants Took My Eyeballの概要

【English translation】
A 2D action game that combines retro-style dot pictures and high difficulty roguelite. The theme of ants as enemy characters is also impressive. The effects and shooting motions are flashy, and it feels great just to move them around.
Players can use heavy weapons such as machine guns and grenades, or switch to swords and wield them. Players are required to have the skill to use multiple weapons in a flexible manner. The trailer shows a large number of enemies, so it may be important to know how to deal with hordes of enemies.
I'm experimenting with time manipulation items, and here's a work-in-progress slow-motion potion, that slows down time for everyone but you!
— Reaktori (@borssyri) October 30, 2023
Do you have any cool ideas for other time manipulation items?#gamedev #indiedev #roguelike #gamemaker pic.twitter.com/MHB0GVLwD2
Ants Took My Eyeballの注目ポイント

【English translation】
The game can be enjoyed by a single player, but it is also fun to fight with up to four players. The character size is small in relation to the stage ratio, making this a highly challenging action game with enemies coming at you from all directions. The boss characters are also unusually large, allowing players to enjoy powerful boss battles.
You may be intimidated by the fighting power of the giant ants, but these ants are also armed with powerful heavy weapons. The composition of firepower versus an army of ants is beautifully executed. Although the game is composed of cute dots, you can expect a crazy battle with splashes of green blood. A demo version is currently available for download, so if you are interested, please take a look at our wish list & try it out!
HARF-WAY コマーシャル

Ants Took My Eyeballの基本情報
ゲーム名 | Ants Took My Eyeball |
開発者様 | https://twitter.com/antstookmyeye |
紹介ゲームリンク | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627890/Ants_Took_My_Eyeball/ |