マウス・キーボード操作で弾幕STGの概念を作り替える「∀stralbringer -蓋影のアーカリウム-」を紹介。大量弾幕を避けながら敵を破壊する醍醐味を残しつつ、ワンボタンで繰り出せる必殺技で状況別に対応していく点が特徴。弾幕STGに興味があるけど何を遊べば良いのか悩んでる方は是非チェックしてみてください。
∀stralbringer -蓋影のアーカリウム-の概要

【English translation】
It is a new type of bullet-hell STG played not with a controller but with a mouse and keyboard, and the thrill of avoiding gaps in the barrage with a single mouse operation, as well as the variety of attack methods, is noteworthy. The appeal of this game is its aggressive attacks, such as “multi-shot,” which can scatter attacks over a wide area with mouse operation, and “blades,” which can knock back or inflict heavy damage with close-range attacks.
It is interesting to note that the framework of “shots and bombs” has been removed and the action elements have been strengthened. While retaining the real thrill of grazing bullets, the game softens the impression of a hardcore STG by incorporating controls familiar from recent roguelike games. The fact that the game provides a ladder for players unfamiliar with the game is also a nice touch. You may be confused by the sheer number of controls, but you will feel a great sense of accomplishment when everything clicks into place.
∀stralbringer -蓋影のアーカリウム-の注目ポイント

【English translation】
It is wonderful that the game is made in a way that appeals to action lovers while still providing the best of the bullet-hell STG experience. It has a feeling of control that cannot be achieved with an arcade controller or pad, and it breaks from the norm for this genre, focusing only on the areas that need development. Rather than being a game that old-school shooters will flock to, this game seems to have established itself as a whole new genre.
The game supports character building and permanent reinforcement, and the cycle of upgrading your ship while dying and learning is well executed. While the high level of difficulty may frustrate some players, many will become addicted to the unique sense of control that can only be experienced in this title. This title is a good starting point for those who want to enter the swamp of bullet-hell STGs and rogue light games with their build and synergy charms. It is likely to function as a bridge between genres. If you are interested in this title, we encourage you to play the free trial version!
HARF-WAY コマーシャル

∀stralbringer -蓋影のアーカリウム-の基本情報

ゲーム名 | ∀stralbringer -蓋影のアーカリウム- |
開発者様SNSアカウント | https://twitter.com/endless_shirafu |
パブリッシャー | https://store.steampowered.com/search/?publisher=Endless%20Shirafu |
紹介ゲームリンク | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1863300/stralbringer/ |
東京ゲームダンジョン4出展場所 | 1月21日E-8 |