見えないモノがなかったことに⁉シュレディンガーシステムが熱い『CASSETTE BOY』紹介

画面から見えていないモノがなかったことになる視点切り替えパズル『Casset Boy』を紹介。ゲームボーイのような可愛らしいドット絵とは裏腹に、従来のパズルとは違った解法が求められるので遊びごたえ充分。パズルアクション好きは要チェックです!




【English translation】
This puzzle-action work employs the “Schrodinger System,” in which the invisible ceases to exist. The player rotates the map itself by pressing the rotate button, and solves the gimmicks by controlling the player’s viewpoint. Unlike puzzle games in which the player solves visible puzzles, the game is a fun game in which the player has to think about how to make something that does not exist.

I was impressed when I tried it out at a game event. What you cannot see does not exist. I thought it was the quintessential example of putting an idea into a game and sublimating it beautifully. The visuals, game design, and concept are all beautiful.





【English translation】
It is interesting to solve the puzzle by interfering with the entire map, rather than the gimmick by itself. There would be no obstacles, objects, or even people in the way. It is also important to note that this is not a 2D work with only a flat axis, but a 3D work that uses the illusion of depth.

While the riddles and gimmicks are noteworthy, I am personally interested in the story. There is no such thing as an invisible object. Even if it is a familiar object. The steam page is filled with foreshadowing, and I wonder if the scenario might be the hottest part of the game. I can’t help but fantasize about it. If you like puzzles, this is definitely a must-buy, so add it to your wish list right away.


