取って、採って、盗りまくる何でもアリの盗賊アクション『BANDIT KNIGHT』紹介

制限時間内にあらゆる方法でアイテムを拾い集める『BANDIT KNIGHT』を紹介。木箱や樽など手当たり次第に漁ってアイテムを回収し、NPCから強奪も可能。アイテム集めでがっぽり儲けたい方は必見!




【English translation】
This is a thief action game in which the player uproots objects and people placed on a 2.5D field. The main character is a professional thief, so the world will never find out, but if he goes too far, he will be hounded by the guards protecting the city. The game emphasizes action rather than stealth.

Items collected are automatically redeemed after clearing a stage, and the money earned can be used to acquire additional characters and special abilities. It is a work of art that looks pleasant because you can collect and sell anything you see, and strengthen your character with the large sums of money you collect.





【English translation】
The appeal of this game lies not in the stealth element of standing around to avoid being caught doing evil, but in the boldness of moving with guns blazing and recovering large quantities of items. Even if you are spotted by the guards, you can attack and neutralize them, giving the impression of a strong action element. As long as you don’t get caught, you’re good to go.

There are also some bandit-like actions such as throwing knives, so the game does not seem to be all about stealing. When one hears the word “bandit action,” one tends to imagine stealth, but since this game is more like a heist, one would expect the feeling of playing it to be quite different. In any case, I think it will remain a pleasant piece of work, so please add it to your wish list and wait for further updates!

HARF-WAY コマーシャル


