町中を滑走する茶目っ気感じるパルクール作品『FreeJack Online』紹介

最高にクールなパルクールと茶目っ気感じるポージングが心をくすぐる『FreeJack Online』を紹介。アクション性もさることながら、バチっと決まったモーションセンスにも要注目。パルクールを題材とした類似作品も少なくないが、今作ならではの良さが存分に感じられるので是非チェックして欲しい。

FreeJack Onlineの概要



【English translation】
An action racing game based on “parkour” in which players run, fly, climb, and run through the city. The game can be played by up to 8 players, so it can be enjoyed with friends.

Instead of using boosters to move at high speed, players gradually increase their speed while avoiding obstacles. Also impressive is the variety of poses that can be taken by jumping off from a jump platform at the right moment.


FreeJack Onlineの注目ポイント



【English translation】
The utilization of narrow paths and heights, which is possible only with humans, is hot. Because the character is controlled directly, rather than by radio-controlled controls, there is an overwhelmingly high degree of freedom. I personally like the fact that the more you drive through the intricate city, the more complex the course becomes, and the more you can enjoy a variety of maneuvers.

In addition to the beauty and feeling of parkour, the competitive nature of the game, in which multiple players participate, is also a feature of this title. Although there are many unknowns since the demo version has not yet been distributed, the trailer seems to indicate that the framework of the game has been completed. There is no shortage of parkour titles that involve running around town, so let’s definitely put this one on our wish list for a successful release.

HARF-WAY コマーシャル

FreeJack Onlineの基本情報

