瓶底眼鏡の似合う研究員が段ボールで隠れつつ怪物から逃げる『Quiet is the Eyes』紹介

研究所に閉じ込められた主人公が正体不明の化け物から逃げつつ脱出をはかる『Quiet is the Eyes』を紹介。パズル&アドベンチャー形式を取っており、戦闘シーンも無くしっとりした雰囲気が特徴。不気味で嫌悪感を感じるデザインが苦手でも楽しめるホラー作品として楽しめます。

Quiet is the Eyesの概要



【English translation】
A horror game with strong puzzle elements in which the player must escape from a laboratory under siege by monsters. The monsters are always watching you, and you must search for the truth by escaping and hiding. The setting of a female researcher wearing stool-bottom glasses is also wonderful.

The game is not a jump scare or other surprises, but the sound of the rain falling with a moist sound stirs a moist sense of dread. The horror elements are prepared in the sense that they are added on top of solving the mystery, and they stir up fear from a different direction than in general horror films.

Quiet is the Eyesの注目ポイント



【English translation】
Although not directly frightening, the ambient sound of rain increases the psychological terror. The somewhat calm and elegant expression of fear is also appealing. I am not good at horror games, but I was impressed by the wonderful atmosphere that made me want to try it.

For my personal taste, the character design of the researcher with the bottle-bottom glasses fits my propensity. I recommend this game to anyone looking for a horror game with a slightly creepy and weird atmosphere.

Quiet is the Eyesの基本情報

