掃き溜めに集まったクズ囚人達のプライドを賭けトランプでへし折る『Romp of Dump』を紹介。Live2Dで表情豊かに表現される囚人達とのブロマンス要素も楽しめるため、好きな人には堪らない作品です。可愛い男の子を虐める背徳感を味わいたい人は要チェック!
Romp of Dumpの概要
【English translation】
An adventure game in which players control the main character “Az K. Nightmare,” a falsely accused serial killer, and communicate with scum prisoners by playing betting cards. Four mini-games using playing cards are available, and players play blackjack and other simple games to punish the scum prisoners.
The game features Live2D (a technology that adds movement to still images), which allows players to read the changes in gestures and facial expressions characteristic of psychological warfare; since the game is based on standing pictures rather than 3D, it retains the atmosphere of the pictures while adding movement, creating a sense of realism.
— ザクロスケ@東京ゲームダンジョン4【I-1】 (@zakurobento) January 6, 2024
絵も #Live2D もシナリオも1人で作ってます。
体験版配信中&今月アーリーアクセス無料公開!https://t.co/YP7at98B7v#三連休だ俺のゲームを遊んでくれ#3連休だ俺のフリゲを遊んでくれ#新年早々の創作クラスタフォロー祭り pic.twitter.com/KsB8j5gApx
Romp of Dumpの注目ポイント
【English translation】
Despite its cute appearance, the game focuses on a world crawling with bizarre murderers. Winning mini-games provides bits and pieces of information about the prisoners and the truth of the case, allowing for a suspenseful examination of the case.
The total amount of text in the game exceeds 200,000 characters, and it is not just cute standing pictures. In addition to the concept of winning mini-games to uncover the darkness of the scum inmates, the game also focuses on scenarios that get to the heart of the criminal!
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Romp of Dumpの基本情報
ゲーム名 | Romp of Dump |
開発者様SNSアカウント | https://twitter.com/zakurobento |
紹介ゲームリンク | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1951520/Romp_of_Dump/ |