異なる性質を持ったユニットを9マスの好きな場所に設置して戦わせる『brave and desire』を紹介。見た目のカッコ良さもさることながら、ローグライトにキャラ育成の心地よさを上手く混ぜ込んでいる部分にも注目したい。ドット絵×SRPG好きは必見です!
Brave and Desireの概要
【English translation】
A roguelite SRPG in which players select five characters from multiple jobs to form a party and fight by placing them on a nine-square board. The game system is based on a formation system with front, middle, and back rows, and a game system in which the placement and movement of units is key, with attack methods changing depending on their relative position relative to the enemy.
Character growth parameters are determined for each job, and the growth range is completely random. In addition, the characters grow differently each time they play, requiring tactical skills to manipulate the characters.
#東京ゲームダンジョン4 に、2日目となる 1/21(日) のみの枠として、F-8a で『Brave and Desire』を試遊出展予定です。
— Bard@1/21東京ゲームダンジョン4 F-8a (@Bardaxel) December 21, 2023
これまでの出展イベントとほぼ同様の形になると思いますが、ご興味のある方はどうぞ~。#ゲムダン4 https://t.co/mVeCSoWeyQ pic.twitter.com/cEzS4W94Qm
Brave and Desireの注目ポイント
【English translation】
Due to the nature of roguelite, it is not possible to carry over characters to play, so I am wondering how much you can enjoy the growth and development of your characters. If repeated battles can make you stronger in a short time, you may be able to experience the best of RPGs in a single cycle.
When we hear of dot-picture SRPGs, we tend to compare them to past masterpieces, but this title successfully blends the best of roguelite and lands on a modern atmosphere. Although it will be difficult to adjust the balance, many people seem to be right in the middle of the strike zone in terms of both appearance and gameplay, so we look forward to more of these games in the future.
Brave and Desireの基本情報
ゲーム名 | Brave and Desire |
開発者様 | Bard |
公式SNS | https://twitter.com/Bardaxel |
紹介ゲームリンク | https://store.steampowered.com/app/2638210/Brave_and_Desire/ |