ボムの爆風を自分に当てて機敏に動き回る新感覚アクション『TAKE BOMB』紹介

爆弾の爆風でしかジャンプできない尖ったゲームシステムを持つ『Take Bnmb』を紹介。好きなタイミングでジャンプできないため、事前に爆弾を仕込んで先読みする形でアクションを行う点が特徴。一風変わったゲームシステムが大好きな人は必見です!




【English translation】
This is an action game in which players attack and simultaneously move bombs to conquer a stage. Since there is a time lag before the bomb explodes, players must predict their opponents’ moves and place the bomb before it explodes. It looks difficult but interesting.

Many games use weapon explosions as a technique, but few use it as a basic technique. We look forward to future updates of this game, which offers a variety of character manipulation using bombs.


TAKE BOMBの注目ポイント



【English translation】
In response to the restriction that you can only jump with bombs, note the part where the player’s skill changes the feel of the controls. Dashing and jumping with bombs may be habit-forming, but how stressful is the part where you never know when you will not be able to jump?

Although details have not been revealed, a “suit change system” that changes the player’s abilities and a system that expands comfort and expandability will also be implemented. The game will not be complete until it is released, and it is likely that it will be made more complete as it receives feedback from players.

A steam page has also been set up, so if you are interested in the game, please add it to your wish list and see what happens.

HARF-WAY コマーシャル


